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How to Address a Fatigued Society with Proper Testing and Treatment Strategies

Presented by Brandon M. Lundell, DC

From brain fog, to depression, to chronic illness and fatigue, it seems so many people are suffering from the ailment of just not enough energy. But why? Join Dr. Lundell as he leads a journey into mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, infections and nutritional imbalances which contribute to long-term detrimental effects on our gene function and cellular metabolism. He will guide the practitioner in what tests are most useful in finding the underlying pathologies in a way that makes treating patients seem effortless, while being effective at the same time. The attendee will walk away with an increased knowledge of methylation, neurotransmitter, GI and hormonal testing, as well as the latest in epigenetic nutraceutical and lifestyle interventions proven to help even the toughest cases. Case study from start to finish will be given for clinical pearls and practical application of the scientific research.